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How to Fix "Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded" Error

Last updated on September 7, 2023 at 3:37 PM

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Krste Rajchevski

Software Engineer @ Bugpilot

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If you're a JavaScript developer, you might have encountered the dreaded "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error at some point in your coding journey. It's a common error that occurs when a function calls itself recursively without an exit condition, leading to an infinite loop. In this blog post, we'll explore what causes this error, why it happens, and provide solutions to fix it.

Understanding the Error

The "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs when the call stack, a data structure that keeps track of function calls, exceeds its maximum size. Browsers typically set a limit on the call stack size to prevent the application from consuming too much memory and eventually crashing the browser. When the call stack exceeds this limit, JavaScript throws the "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.

Why Does it Happen?

Let's take a look at an example to understand why this error might occur. Consider the following recursive function:

1function recursiveFunction() {
2  recursiveFunction();

In this example, the recursiveFunction calls itself without any exit condition. As a result, the function will keep invoking itself indefinitely, causing the call stack to grow continuously until it exceeds the maximum size. When this happens, the browser throws the "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.

Possible Solutions

Now that we understand the cause of this error, let's explore two possible solutions to fix it.

1. Adding an Exit Condition

To prevent the function from calling itself indefinitely, we need to add an exit condition. An exit condition is a condition that stops the recursive calls. For example, we can modify our previous recursiveFunction to have a condition that checks the number of times it has been called:

1function recursiveFunction(count = 0) {
2  if (count >= 10) {
3    return;
4  }
6  recursiveFunction(count + 1);

In this modified version, the recursiveFunction accepts a count parameter that keeps track of the number of calls. Once the count reaches 10, the function stops invoking itself recursively.

2. Optimizing the Code

Another possible solution is to optimize the code to reduce the number of recursive calls. This can be achieved by refactoring the code to use an iterative approach rather than a recursive one. For example, instead of using recursion to calculate the factorial of a number, we can use iteration:

1function factorial(n) {
2  let result = 1;
4  for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
5    result *= i;
6  }
8  return result;

By finding alternative ways to solve a problem without relying on recursion, we can avoid exceeding the maximum call stack size.


The "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error is a common issue in JavaScript that occurs when a function is called recursively without an exit condition. By understanding the cause of the error and implementing the appropriate solutions, such as adding an exit condition or optimizing the code, you can effectively fix this error in your JavaScript applications. Remember to always consider the iterative approach as an alternative to recursion when appropriate. Happy coding!

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